Ok so I havent posted since like December maybe before lol well any way in this time a have become a part of the world wide jam street team (WOOOO!!) and have had my fair share of injuries too !! also alot of training and conditiong has been done and i feel as if though im progressing faster than i expected, so heres a few vids to keep you happy:
me and ryan Light training
Me and Jack Light training
Latest Jam video
A few recent bits:
One Armed Climb Up (actually alot harder than it sounds)
Lache with double arm muscle up
Training in The park
Friday, 18 May 2007
Sunday, 10 December 2006
Training Peterborough
So last weekend me and ryan made a trek to peterborough to train with jim. We travelled down on the saturday night on the train departing at 7:10pm and arriving at peterborough at 9:30pm. Once of the train we waited about 10 mins for jim to pick us up and to mine and ryans own we witnessed the most horrific rapping you could ever imagine and it was jim rapping along to some japanese fast and furious song :| and this was while he was driving :| so obvisously me and ryan were touching the cloth. Once arriving at jims house safely I might add we were greeted by jims friends as he was having a party that night so we mingled for a while played a few games of cards and headed of to the lad of nod awaking at 10 hundred hours in the morning to see jim feasting on a macdonalds breakfast the hussy that he is :P. Jim soon demolished his breakfast and we were set to train. Once in Peterbrough we warmed up and trained and trained from about 11am till 4-5pm ish and once finished we headed back to jims and had a chinese which me and ryan are very very extremely grateful to his family for :). Once finished jim dropped us off on the mean streets of bourne where my dad was due to pick us up and then this led us to travelling back to lincoln safe and sound.
The Video:
The Video:
Sunday, 26 November 2006
Training 25/11
Well I started the day of training a little late due to weather conditions because I did not want to get piss wet through cycling in to the town centre. The jam offically started at 10am but I made a late arrival at 11:30 am to find everyone underneath city hall training very hard. When I first got down there I thought nothing of it because Ive looked there so many times and havent seen much there before so seen as there was no where else to train that was dry I decided to have a good look around and i saw a pretty big arm jump a nice cat pass to arm jump ( which I was the only Traceur to do :P) and just some little balance practice and flow movements. We trained there till about 12:30-1ish then headed up to the usher art gallery to do some buildering and some strength practice but was kicked for the size of the group we were in. So we went to the museum to train got kicked from there so we headed back to spar but then was split due to people not following so five of us went for a scout for knew spots and found a couple aswell as a hobo which was funny. Then that concluded our training session for the day. So overall it was a brilliant training session for a wet day.
Picture of my speed vault at usher art gallery:
Picture of my speed vault at usher art gallery:

Thursday, 23 November 2006
Stone Cold
So last night I headed up for Tae Kwon Do an hour early to get some indoor parkour training done in the gym. Because the gym was locked I had to go see my friend Sam Triffit who was working on the swimming baskets But as i waited him to get the key for the Gymnasium I looked around the area with parkour vision and did I have myself anawesome lil Training session in the swimming changing rooms? why yes I did , Firtsly it started with a cat pass through a little square hole into an arm jump then from there I saw another arm Jump so i did a combination of a Cat pass to arm jump to arm jump then I got up into a monkey postion balancing then precisioned across to the next cubical and made it around the whole changing room with out touching the floor, It was a brilliant challenge and a half. This took me to about Half past five , so it was half an hour before Tae kwon do started and at this point I was in the gym. So i decided to bring out a vaulting horse and do some vaults over it with a limited run up of three steps to get as much distnace and make it look as fluid and as silent as possible, After this I remebered A movement from jump britain what Seb does where he hops over a rail and then lands his feet on the wall then pushes of the wall into a cat pass back over the rail and I managed to do this successfully but over the vaulting horse. Once completeing these movements I then Went and got another Horse out and started doing about 5-6ft double cat passes then manged to do a 6-7ft Cat pass to precsion and both horses were equal hieght so I was pretty proud of It although I did bail Pretty badly first time.
This then got me warm enough For tae kwon do and by this time it was 6 pm so i was gettin changed for tae kwon do. We started with loosening off then Basics and patterns, Then dodgeball and reset. Once we did these we then did a brilliant warm up well I did any way I did a circuit of 20 tricep shoulder press ups, Then 20 sumo squats, 20 sit ups while chain punching and finally 20 burpee star jumps. Once finsihed this I then had a stretch. After finishing stretching we then went on to Kicking and punching drills, and some killer ones at that which I loved. Then we went on to sparring and I had about a 5 minute freestyle spar with the instructor who is like 6ft 6-7 and one of the best martial artists ive ever seen. He absolutley Ahnilated me but It was a great experience for me coz this way Im learning the hard way, and I realised how much better i needed to get and How i needed to adapt to survive the spar with a fighting chance of not going to the floor. Once we finished sparring we then went into Traditional and I practiced my four one step sparring and then we finished of singing happy birthday to our instructor Jon.
A pick of me doing a relaxed flying side kick:
This then got me warm enough For tae kwon do and by this time it was 6 pm so i was gettin changed for tae kwon do. We started with loosening off then Basics and patterns, Then dodgeball and reset. Once we did these we then did a brilliant warm up well I did any way I did a circuit of 20 tricep shoulder press ups, Then 20 sumo squats, 20 sit ups while chain punching and finally 20 burpee star jumps. Once finsihed this I then had a stretch. After finishing stretching we then went on to Kicking and punching drills, and some killer ones at that which I loved. Then we went on to sparring and I had about a 5 minute freestyle spar with the instructor who is like 6ft 6-7 and one of the best martial artists ive ever seen. He absolutley Ahnilated me but It was a great experience for me coz this way Im learning the hard way, and I realised how much better i needed to get and How i needed to adapt to survive the spar with a fighting chance of not going to the floor. Once we finished sparring we then went into Traditional and I practiced my four one step sparring and then we finished of singing happy birthday to our instructor Jon.
A pick of me doing a relaxed flying side kick:

Wednesday, 22 November 2006
First Class To Indoor Training
Right today has been rather interesting, about a week ago now I was asked by a physical education teacher to attend in a P.E class of a group of year 8's in the gymnasium. As he knew I did parkour he wanted me to influence the kids into improving there gymnastic skills. So from experience in conditioning and parkour training I started by a quick loosening off then went into conditioning and then into stretches This took from the start of the class at 8:50am till 9:10am I had to rush it as I was limited to time. So after this then what I did was set up a few horses, mats, boxes and steps I did this in way that once completeing a movement over one of the apparatus you could then link the movements together in a variety of ways ( Just like at The world wide jam Extreme sports Demonstration and tution days). So i demonstrated movements to the kids and they looked on at me in amazement, But then I said to them the basics getting them crisp, clean and fluid is much more impressive, So we started with landing and rolling which they loved then we got onto techniques of jumping and precision after that I showed them the basic vaults; Cat Pass, Dash, Switch and Speed vaults. With them gaining the experience of these techniques and movements and after i explained the whole history and philosphy behind parkour I let them loose on the course and I was very impresses, obvisously there were some better than others but they all had the potential to become very skilled. Plus the teacher who asked me to do the class looked on at the class with an astonished face at how well I conducted the class, and that is what he said, so i've been asked to do another class next wednesday 12:30 till 1:30 to teach a group of year 9's. But this time it is head of P.E and the sports centre manager so if I can show him true parkour and how it is meant to be done then maybe I can get after school classes going for teachomg as well as good training time for myself aswell as fellow traceurs!!! So guys the idea I brought up months ago is still intatc so Let's keep our fingers crossed :)
Footage from world wide jam classes : Me (Green Trousers, Black t-shirt) Danny ilabaca(Grey trousers, black t-shirt) and Niel ( all Black) doing double cat passes.
Footage from world wide jam classes : Me (Green Trousers, Black t-shirt) Danny ilabaca(Grey trousers, black t-shirt) and Niel ( all Black) doing double cat passes.
Monday, 20 November 2006
Saturday Training
Well I woke up at about 8:30am still tired from the night before, but knew I had to train and jam wid the rest of the lincs parkour community. Also it was jammie'sbirthday so had to go :) . So basically got ready and had my breakfast and was raring to go bye 9:00am. I set off to cycle to ryans at 9:15 and was there for 9:25 then we set off from his at 9:35 am. We both got into town and bought jammie his pressie :P, then met up wid the guys at the trainstation for 10:am and every body was pretty shocked as I was walking ( My ankle was broke a week earlier). so we greeted each other had a little chat then we headed for the grand hotel for some training and warm up. After our warm up we headed to the back of pellum bridge and started training more and this is where i achieved a 5ft across 7ft down level cat pass whihc i was pretty proud of as seen as i was the first to accomplish this movement then i was shortly followed by shaun knight.
The Picture I think is pretty cool :

After this I then took a few of the Traceurs to a level arm jump behind HMV i was the only one to achieve this movement but I hope very soon more people will be doing this!!!
Well once doing this we headed for the black rails and under pass, we did some simple vaults and arm jumps thats about it. We then went to the stair well and the wall at the brayford this was pretty fun as I got a double cat pass across a rather large black box plus a decent arm jump and i also attempted the Jin/m arm jump, got close but didnt get it.
Once finished there we took a short run to city hall and stayed there and trained for an hour straight where we had two bails, Shaun nearly breaking his ankle and Wizey clipping his knee (poor babby ;p)and i managed to do another level cat pass.
Then this led us too the green rails it was ok but at this point I wasnt up for much as I needed food and energy. A few of us left there while a few stayed and trained. The few I was with found a cat pass to precision which was very nice indeed also pop ups to 360 precsions which were nice aswell, I was also looking at a 360 tic tac to squirrel leap but wasnt to sure duet ot the condition of my ankle and the moistness of the floor.
After we all finsihed here we headed to the spar and got some food and did a little bit of training then went straight form here to the college didnt do much but we met dale at 1pm, then we headed for the council flats and i did a 13 ft level arm jump. after that I Had to say my fare wells and head for work which concludes my post.
The Picture I think is pretty cool :

After this I then took a few of the Traceurs to a level arm jump behind HMV i was the only one to achieve this movement but I hope very soon more people will be doing this!!!
Well once doing this we headed for the black rails and under pass, we did some simple vaults and arm jumps thats about it. We then went to the stair well and the wall at the brayford this was pretty fun as I got a double cat pass across a rather large black box plus a decent arm jump and i also attempted the Jin/m arm jump, got close but didnt get it.
Once finished there we took a short run to city hall and stayed there and trained for an hour straight where we had two bails, Shaun nearly breaking his ankle and Wizey clipping his knee (poor babby ;p)and i managed to do another level cat pass.
Then this led us too the green rails it was ok but at this point I wasnt up for much as I needed food and energy. A few of us left there while a few stayed and trained. The few I was with found a cat pass to precision which was very nice indeed also pop ups to 360 precsions which were nice aswell, I was also looking at a 360 tic tac to squirrel leap but wasnt to sure duet ot the condition of my ankle and the moistness of the floor.
After we all finsihed here we headed to the spar and got some food and did a little bit of training then went straight form here to the college didnt do much but we met dale at 1pm, then we headed for the council flats and i did a 13 ft level arm jump. after that I Had to say my fare wells and head for work which concludes my post.
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