This then got me warm enough For tae kwon do and by this time it was 6 pm so i was gettin changed for tae kwon do. We started with loosening off then Basics and patterns, Then dodgeball and reset. Once we did these we then did a brilliant warm up well I did any way I did a circuit of 20 tricep shoulder press ups, Then 20 sumo squats, 20 sit ups while chain punching and finally 20 burpee star jumps. Once finsihed this I then had a stretch. After finishing stretching we then went on to Kicking and punching drills, and some killer ones at that which I loved. Then we went on to sparring and I had about a 5 minute freestyle spar with the instructor who is like 6ft 6-7 and one of the best martial artists ive ever seen. He absolutley Ahnilated me but It was a great experience for me coz this way Im learning the hard way, and I realised how much better i needed to get and How i needed to adapt to survive the spar with a fighting chance of not going to the floor. Once we finished sparring we then went into Traditional and I practiced my four one step sparring and then we finished of singing happy birthday to our instructor Jon.
A pick of me doing a relaxed flying side kick: